February 2025
St. Luke United Methodist Church
Message from the Pastor
The past couple of Sundays we have talked about what it means to be brave and bold. Even though you may not have known the song, I tried to lead us in singing out the lyrics "Be Bold, Be Brave, for the Lord our God is with you." There can be such power in those words. What might it mean for us to be bold in this season of life, or to have some holy boldness? In February we recognize Black History Month. When I think about holy boldness, I am often reminded of powerful stories of men and women whose voices and nonviolent action were so important during the Civil Rights movement. I am thankful to have had the chance to visit the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum on more than one occasion, often pausing to listen to Hezekiah Watkins, one of the youngest Freedom Riders at that time. When I visit, I am reminded of the impact of holy boldness and of the many along the way who were "points of light."
In the summer of 2020, I attended a prayer gathering in town not long after the death of George Floyd. Bishop Clarence Parks gave a dynamic sermon around two words: "say something." His message was a simple one. So often we see something but don't say anything at all, causing me to reflect on times when I should have spoken up but remained silent instead. Yesterday was the birthday of Rosa Parks who used her own voice to say no to discrimination, a no that still echoes today. These stories can help remind us not only of an important era of our history but also what can happen with holy boldness.
We sang together this past Sunday, "O young and fearless Prophet of ancient Galilee, thy life is still a summons to serve humanity; to make our thoughts and actions less prone to please the crowd, to stand with humble courage for truth with hearts uncowed." During the last two Sundays in February, we will be going over the Lukan Beatitudes in Luke 6:17-38. You may remember the Beatitudes from our sermon series focusing on them last summer. The Beatitudes are brave and bold words, calling us to do the hard thing of reframing our lens to see the world as God sees it.
Rev. M Jade Kaiser says,
"let us gather our courage in community
We can do hard things
Brave things
Beautiful things
Risky and transformative things
The Sacred is with those who journey toward freedom
For the sake of collective life
For the sake of disrupting evil
For the sake of the human soul
We are called and accompanied, never really alone
May our hearts be encouraged."
Be bold in your love. Be brave in your kindness. For the Lord our God is with you.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Hannah
Lectionary Readings for February
Sunday, February 2 — Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30Sunday, February 9 — Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13)
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11Sunday, February 16 — Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26Sunday, February 23 — Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40
1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50
Luke 6:27-38
The Mission of St. Luke UMC is to be a Place to Belong, Believe, & Become Disciples of Christ
UWFaith Grace Circle will meet February 4 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. Pastor Hannah will lead the Call to Prayer and Self-Denial service titled Bold Women Transforming Communities. The offering will support economic development and microenterprise projects, vocational training, life skills and livelihood training internationally. Funds will also support the work of United Methodist conference women’s teams that design and lead projects that make a direct impact on improving the lives of their families and community members.
United Women in Faith is a hand to hold as we venture into the world—making an impact through our beloved community. For this Call to Prayer service, we will hold hands with our sisters in Peru, learning about their history and work.
Call to Pray and Self-Denial is a designated offering in addition to our regular pledge offering. Financial giving is not required for membership. All women are welcome to attend.
UWFaith Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, February 19, at noon in the fellowship hall. Bring your lunch and drink, dessert will be provided. All women available during the noon hour are invited to join us!
Looking ahead at Lenten activities and observances that will begin in March. St. Luke will observe Ash Wednesday with a service on March 5 at 5:30 p.m. A nursery will be provided.
We will have a Pancake Supper immediately following our Ash Wednesday service. Mark your calendars and join us for some yummy pancakes! Donations are not required but are welcome to help defray the cost of the supper.
The Lenten Luncheons are scheduled at noon on Wednesdays beginning March 12-April 9 at First UMC. Enjoy a meal with other churches and a short worship service. There is no cost for the meal, but a love offering for charity will be taken up each week if you’re able to give.
Your whole family can share in a service opportunity on Sunday, February 2, from 3-5:00 p.m. at 1st UMC. We are joining with our sister church to for a Rise Against Hunger packing event. Together we will pack 25,056 meals in just two hours. Everyone is invited to come and participate, members of St. Luke, of 1st UMC, of another church, or of no church. All that is required is a wish to help people across the world receive a nutritious meal—eliminating hunger one meal at a time. If you are a student, this time definitely qualifies as volunteer hours.
Extra Table has asked the Delta Mayors to participate in a food raiser event they have around the state called March of the Mayors. The food collection period will occur during the month of February and Cleveland has been asked to collect 16-ounce jars of peanut butter. You can bring your peanut butter on Sunday mornings when you come to worship or drop off at the church office during the week. A collection bin will be available in the narthex. The collection deadline is February 16. A box packing party will be held on Monday, February 24 at 9:00 am at the Cleveland Fire Station (209 South Street). Volunteers are needed and welcomed!
Worship Greeters are needed for May, June, and July. A Greeter is a very important part of welcoming people to our worship service and helps by passing out bulletins, helping people in and out of cars (when needed), directing visitors to pews or various areas of the church, and helps in other capacities of the service. If you feel called to volunteer and want to sign up, please contact Al Williams or the church office. A sign-up sheet will also be available in the narthex.
Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month we collect bags of apples, jars of peanut butter, and also canned goods for the Helping Hands Ministry. That day is also our Dollar Sunday, when you are invited to drop a dollar or two into the basket in the narthex to help support our Compassion Fund, which the pastor uses at their discretion to help those in need.
The 2025 Flower Calendar is available on the bulletin board in the hallway across from the choir room. If you would like to help provide an altar arrangement sometime during the year, please look over the calendar, choose a date or two, and sign up. Your arrangement doesn’t have to be fresh flowers, it could be a lovely silk arrangements, or even a nice plant. If you sign up for two consecutive Sundays, we have a “flower fridge” where we can store your floral arrangement during the week and re-use them the second Sunday. If ordering fresh flowers from a flower shop, please specify you would like them to last for two Sundays. Please contact Sandi Melton (Flower Steward) or the church office to sign up or for more info.
New Church Directory
We are gathering contact information for a new church directory and need everyone to help us update our files. If you’re new to St. Luke, even if you haven’t joined yet but are a regular attendee, you are invited to be added to the directory. Click here for a fillable form that you can complete and email to the church office at office@stlukecleveland.com, mail to St Luke UMC (1227 Deering St, Cleveland MS 38732), or drop it off at the church office. You may also stop by the church office to pick up a form.
Opportunities to Help at Parks
Parks Elementary Partnership
1) PBIS Closet- Parks keeps a closet filled with goodies for students who do well with their positive behavior system. This includes items such as fidget toys, slime, and other small prizes. When the children meet their goals, they are able to shop this closet as a treat and means of positive reinforcement. You may contribute to this cause or purchase items and bring them to the office.
2) Feminine Hygiene supplies- Parks has an area in the office dedicated to storing feminine hygiene supplies for girls who need them. Specifically, they try to keep a current stock of pads (no tampons please) and girls underwear in all sizes. You may bring these items to the church office as well.
3) Reading with students- Do you like to help students with their reading? If you had 1-2 hours a week to give during school hours, the students at Parks could use your help. Reading with students is a proven way to help raise their AR scores while also providing quality time with these children. If you are interested in this, please let Rev. Hannah know.
Employment Opportunities
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is searching for an employee to fill our Music Director position and would welcome help from the congregation in spreading the word.
As you know, Beverly Jacks has served as interim Director for the past year or so. She does a lovely job and has been happy to serve our church with her gifts, but she would like a break if a suitable person can be found to lead the choir. Previous experience in a church setting is preferred but not required. Salary will be negotiable.
Please share this information with any suitable candidates you know who might be interested in working at St. Luke. Any further questions may be directed to Rev. Hannah or to Lisa in the church office.
The St. Luke Scene
Baby Shower for Danita and Baby Joshua
Rise Against Hunger Packing Event
Upcoming Events
February 2, Sunday
— Baby Shower for Danita Richardson, 2:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
— Rise Against Hunger Packing Event, 3-5:00 pm (1st UMC)
— Youth: help at the RAH Packing Event
February 4, Tuesday
— UWFaith Grace Circle, 10:00 am (Church Library)
February 5, Wednesday
— Confirmation Class, 3:15 pm (1st UMC)
February 9, Sunday
— Second Sunday Mission for Helping Hands
— Youth, 5:00 pm (1st Presbyterian Church)
February 12, Wednesday
— Confirmation Class, 3:15 pm (1st UMC)
February 19, Wednesday
— UWFaith Lunch Bunch, 12:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
— Confirmation Class, 3:15 pm (1st UMC)
February 22, Saturday
— 2nd Annual DSU Pickleball Tournament
February 23, Sunday
— Church Council, 11:35 am (Fellowship Hall)
February 26, Wednesday
— Confirmation Class, 3:15 pm (1st UMC)
February 28, Friday - Sunday, March 2
— Confirmation Retreat (Lake Junaluska)
March 1, Saturday
— Fellowship Hall Reserved by The Runnels
March 2, Sunday
— Bridal Shower for Mary Jayson Rogers, 2:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 5, Wednesday
— Ash Wednesday Service, 5:30 pm
— Pancake Supper, 6:30 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 9, Sunday
— Bridal Shower for Libby Bassie, 2:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
Memorials and Honorariums
Memorials for:
Honorarium for:
Attendance and Offering Report
Jan 5
Jan 12
Jan 19
Jan 26
Monthly Total
Monthly Budget
General Fund
$ 12,491
$ 1,790
$ 3,749
$ 1,700
$ 19,730
$ 20,854
$ 200
$ 538
Special Offerings:
Human Relations
$ 100
February Birthdays
Chris Powell
Allysson James (new nursery caregiver)
Brittany Dean
Rick Torgerson
Laura Bassie
Carol Tatum
Beverly Card
Roy Jacks
Lisa Horton
Shaun Horton
Allyson Hardy
Lillie Dean
Witt Runnels
Kevin Vickers
February Anniversaries