March 2025
St. Luke United Methodist Church
Message from the Pastor
This past weekend I was out at Camp Lake Stephens with our combined group from First United Methodist and St. Luke as well as other confirmation groups from across the state. On Saturday afternoon, we had a couple of hours of free time to play games and explore. It was lovely to look around and see the various ways all these young adults decided to engage with one another and the world around them. There were games of basketball, 4 square, and gaga ball. There was laughter, leisurely conversation, and a healthy dose of talking smack. My daughter along with two other girls spent a long time exploring the woods, capturing frogs, collecting rocks, and delighting in the landscape. On the surface perhaps, it seems that these activities were set aside from the rest of the real work of spiritual formation happening in our worship sessions, but I believe that even this time of play included real creative practices of delighting in God that work to form our spirits.
Lent is a season in which we turn with Jesus toward Jerusalem and the journey to the cross. During these 40 days, we may choose to give something up or abstain from a particular ritual as a means of spiritual fasting and replacing that with a new spiritual practice intended to draw us to God. The idea isn't just to give something up but to also add or expand upon a practice that helps us delight in God. There are many ways in which we can do this creatively. If you would like to share some of these different practices together, I invite you to join our Growing in Wonder small group on Sundays at 5 and Mondays at 12 beginning on March 16th and 17th. Together we will look at Christine Aroney-Sine's book The Gift of Wonder as a prompt for sharing in a creative practice each week.
During this season of Lent, I will be inviting us to become purveyors of awe in which we will frame our worship around asking God to open our eyes so that we may be aware of the awe and wonder of God around us. In order to do this together, we will need to engage in childlike faith as we explore the themes of beauty, wonder, meaning, curiosity, delight, connection, and self-giving. Children are natural seekers. They will be starting a new Sunday school curriculum entitled Wonder that will help them look for wonder in the Bible stories they will be hearing each week. Christine Aroney-Sine says that "awe and wonder, imagination and curiosity connect us to the God who is present in every moment and everything in a way that nothing else can. ...Believing in a God who loves to plant gardens with dirty hands and make mud pies to put on the eyes of the blind, or who does happy dances and sings with joy over all humanity and in fact all of creation has revolutionized my faith." What might it look like for us this season of Lent to cultivate awe and wonder in our spirits? As our guide for this time, our theme verse will be Psalm 5:7 which says "I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house; I will bow down toward your holy temple in awe of you." Together, may we turn to awe and wonder.
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Hannah
Lectionary Readings for March
Sunday, March 2 — Transfiguration Sunday
Exodus 34:29-35
Psalm 99
2 Corinthians 3:12—4:2
Luke 9:28-36 (37-43)Sunday, March 9 — First Sunday in Lent
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Romans 10:8b-13
Luke 4:1-13Sunday, March 16 — Second Sunday in Lent
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17—4:1
Luke 13:31-35Sunday, March 23 — Third Sunday in Lent
Isaiah 55:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9Sunday, March 30 — Fourth Sunday in Lent
Joshua 5:9-12
Psalm 32
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
The Mission of St. Luke UMC is to be a Place to Belong, Believe, & Become Disciples of Christ
UWFaith LUNCH BUNCH will not meet in March. Lenten luncheons begin on March 12. Lunch Bunch members are encouraged to attend the Lenten luncheons.
Lenten activities and observances will begin soon. St. Luke will observe Ash Wednesday with a service on March 5 at 5:30 p.m. A nursery will be provided.
We will have a Pancake Supper immediately following our Ash Wednesday service. Mark your calendars and join us for some yummy pancakes! Donations to help defray the cost of the supper are welcomed but not required.
The Lenten Lunches begin this month at 1st UMC in their Fellowship Hall. These are lunch-time gatherings that feature a light lunch provided by different churches (donations collected go to a worthy cause), music and a devotional provided by different pastors, and an opportunity for fellowship. Please plan to attend on the Wednesdays during Lent. The doors open at 11:45 and the schedule follows: March 12, 19, and 26, and April 2 and 9.
Kitchen helpers are needed for the Lenten Lunch on April 2, when St. Luke will provide the meal. Please contact Kay Daves to see how you might help.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) will be the mission opportunity highlighted during the month of March. Gifts given to UMCOR play a vital role in enhancing the church's global humanitarian response because these funds cover UMCOR's administrative costs. This support ensures that 100% of donations given to UMCOR throughout the year can be directed toward on-the-ground relief and recovery efforts, allowing UMCOR to effectively respond to crises and provide assistance where it's needed most. By investing in UMCOR's operations, we empower the church to mobilize resources quickly and efficiently, making a meaningful impact in communities affected by disaster and hardship around the world. Last year your generosity delivered almost 2 million dollars in support of UMCOR’s work! Every donation - no matter the amount - helps!! You may give anytime during the month of March.
Worship Greeters are needed for May, June, and July. A Greeter is a very important part of welcoming people to our worship service and helps by passing out bulletins, helping people in and out of cars (when needed), directing visitors to pews or various areas of the church, and helps in other capacities of the service. If you feel called to volunteer and want to sign up, please contact Al Williams or the church office. A sign-up sheet will also be available in the narthex.
Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month we collect bags of apples, jars of peanut butter, and also canned goods for the Helping Hands Ministry. That day is also our Dollar Sunday, when you are invited to drop a dollar or two into the basket in the narthex to help support our Compassion Fund, which the pastor uses at their discretion to help those in need.
The 2025 Flower Calendar is available on the bulletin board in the hallway across from the choir room. If you would like to help provide an altar arrangement sometime during the year, please look over the calendar, choose a date or two, and sign up. Your arrangement doesn’t have to be fresh flowers, it could be a lovely silk arrangements, or even a nice plant. If you sign up for two consecutive Sundays, we have a “flower fridge” where we can store your floral arrangement during the week and re-use them the second Sunday. If ordering fresh flowers from a flower shop, please specify you would like them to last for two Sundays. Please contact Sandi Melton (Flower Steward) or the church office to sign up or for more info.
Bridal Showers
Lenten Events
Save the date for our upcoming Lent worship series (beginning Ash Wednesday) as well as our Growing in Wonder small group. We also hope you will make plans for the weekly Lenten Luncheons hosted by First UMC. During the season of Lent, we are going to lean into what it looks like to examine life through the lens of awe, beauty, wonder, meaning, curiosity, delight, connection, and self-giving. How might God use these lenses to draw us nearer to the heart of God and towards one another? Let’s find out together. We would love to have you.
PreK Play Group
We are excited about offering a PreK Play time (for children ages 1-3) on Wednesday mornings at 9 beginning March 19th. This will be a one-hour, 4-week class led by Kelsey Elizabeth. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring your little ones for social interaction and education in addition to getting to know other parents in town. Please share and invite others to join.
DSU Wesley Foundation
Opportunities to Help at Parks
Parks Elementary Partnership
1) PBIS Closet- Parks keeps a closet filled with goodies for students who do well with their positive behavior system. This includes items such as fidget toys, slime, and other small prizes. When the children meet their goals, they are able to shop this closet as a treat and means of positive reinforcement. You may contribute to this cause or purchase items and bring them to the office.
2) Feminine Hygiene supplies- Parks has an area in the office dedicated to storing feminine hygiene supplies for girls who need them. Specifically, they try to keep a current stock of pads (no tampons please) and girls underwear in all sizes. You may bring these items to the church office as well.
3) Reading with students- Do you like to help students with their reading? If you had 1-2 hours a week to give during school hours, the students at Parks could use your help. Reading with students is a proven way to help raise their AR scores while also providing quality time with these children. If you are interested in this, please let Rev. Hannah know.
Employment Opportunities
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is searching for an employee to fill our Music Director position and would welcome help from the congregation in spreading the word.
As you know, Beverly Jacks has served as interim Director for the past year or so. She does a lovely job and has been happy to serve our church with her gifts, but she would like a break if a suitable person can be found to lead the choir. Previous experience in a church setting is preferred but not required. Salary will be negotiable.
Please share this information with any suitable candidates you know who might be interested in working at St. Luke. Any further questions may be directed to Rev. Hannah or to Lisa in the church office.
The St. Luke Scene
Scouting Sunday—Austin and Zane
Cade and Wesley student at Pickleball Tournament
Confirmation Weekend Retreat at Camp Lake Stephens
Upcoming Events in March
March 1, Saturday
— Fellowship Hall Reserved by The Runnels
March 2, Sunday
— Bridal Shower for Mary Jayson Rogers, 2:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 5, Wednesday
— Ash Wednesday Service, 5:30 pm
— Pancake Supper, 6:30 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 9, Sunday
— Bridal Shower for Libby Bassie, 2:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 12, Wednesday
— Lenten Luncheon, 11:45 am (First UMC)
March 16, Sunday
— Finance Meeting, 11:35 am (Fellowship Hall)
— “Growing in Wonder” Bible Study, 5:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 17, Monday
— “Growing in Wonder” Bible Study, 12:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 19, Wednesday
— PreK Play Group, 9-10:00 am (PreK SS Classroom)
— Lenten Luncheon, 11:45 am (First UMC)
— Confirmation Class, 3:15 pm (First UMC)
March 23, Sunday
— “Growing in Wonder” Bible Study, 5:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 24, Monday
— “Growing in Wonder” Bible Study, 12:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 26, Wednesday
— PreK Play Group, 9-10:00 am (PreK SS Classroom)
— Lenten Luncheon, 11:45 am (First UMC)
— Confirmation Class, 3:15 pm (First UMC)
March 30, Sunday
— “Growing in Wonder” Bible Study, 5:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
March 31, Monday
— “Growing in Wonder” Bible Study, 12:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)
Looking Ahead at April Events
April 13, Sunday
— Palm Sunday Potluck, 11:35 am
— Easter Egg Hunt following Potluck
April 17, Thursday
— Maundy Thursday Service, 6:00 pm (First UMC)
April 18, Friday
— Good Friday Service, 6:00 pm (St. Luke UMC)
April 20, Sunday
— Sunrise Service, 7:00 am (St. Luke Courtyard)
— Easter Service, 10:30 am (Sanctuary)
April 27, Sunday
— “Holy Humor Sunday” Service, 10:30 am (Sanctuary)
Memorials and Honorariums
Frances & Jim Tims
Melanie Earls & Michael Daves
Memorials for:
Carl Rackley
Honorarium for:
Jim Tims
Attendance and Offering Report
Feb 2
Feb 9
Feb 16
Feb 23
Monthly Total
Monthly Budget
General Fund
$ 13,154
$ 1,388
$ 1,355
$ 641
$ 16,538
$ 20,854
$ 0
$ 1,507
$ 0
$ 40
Special Offerings:
Scouting Sunday
$ 124
March Birthdays
Emma Hardy Crowe
Melanie Earls
Olivia Armstrong
Frankie Brewer
Hugh Sheets
Julia Sheets
Austin Tardy
Lindsey Givens
Charlotte Smith
Tricia Walker
Josh Armstrong
Hannah Shempert
Jason Woods
Danita Richardson
March Anniversaries
Dillard & Sandi Melton
Lisa & Shaun Horton
Frances & Jim Tims
Brittany & Trevor Runnels
Josh & Julia Sheets