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1227 Deering St
Cleveland, MS, 38732
United States

(662) 843-2306


Pastor & Staff

The Reverend Hannah Shempert, Pastor

My family and I are  delighted to be in Cleveland and begin worshipping and serving with you on Sunday, July 2nd. We have already gotten to experience your generosity and are overwhelmed by your kindness. We have met some of our neighbors and of course the local resident mosquitoes. I cannot wait for you to meet my husband Jim who dubs himself "the pastor's wife." He loves to assemble things for our girls, hike alongside me in the wilderness, and drink ridiculous amounts of coffee each day. We have been married 12 years this September. Then there is my oldest daughter Kenley (9). She is an avid reader, a Taylor Swift fanatic, and loves to think outside the box. Adalyn is our youngest (3) and she is playful, mischievous, and thinks that Playdoh and markers should be applied to every surface. 

I am delighted to be appointed to serve as your pastor. During this Annual Conference, I will be ordained as an Elder in Full Connection with the UMC. 

 The name St. Luke UMC is dear to me as I grew up at St. Luke UMC in Tupelo before serving on staff years later. One of my passions in ministry is encouraging others to fully live into God's calling on their lives in their everyday setting. I am honored to come alongside you as we continue to live into what it means to belong, believe, and become disciples of Christ. 

St. Luke Church Staff

Beverly Jacks  |  Interim Music Director

O’Hara Koerber  |  Pianist

TBA  |  Youth Minister

DaNita Richardson  |  Nursery Caregiver

Allysson James | Nursery Caregiver Sub

Lisa Horton  |  Secretary/Custodian