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December 2024

Newsletter Blog

December 2024

St. Luke United Methodist Church

Message from the Pastor

This past Sunday we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent. The clocks on the church calendar year began again and we entered  into another season of holy preparation for the birth of Christ. Friend and fellow pastor, Rev. Eddie Rester, shared  that "for me, Advent is the great reset- whether it's been a year of great successes and joy or a year that has surfaced uncontrollable grief, fear, and doubt. Advent reminds us that we wait for a future we cannot see or control but a future that is always in God's hands."

Are you in need of a great reset of hope, peace, joy, and love?

As we lit the candle of hope this past Sunday, I asked "how is hope drawing near to you this year?" 

Does hope draw near to you when you feel a sense of purpose?
When you are surrounded by your friends? 
When you share a special meal?
When something surprises you? 
When a stranger extends kindness? 

Where has hope glimmered on the surface of your life this week?

Over these past couple of weeks, I have found hope in ridiculous laughter rising from playing games with friends and children. I played games with family and friends over Thanksgiving holidays and laughed harder than I remember laughing in a long time. This past Sunday evening, we gathered with the children and made way too much noise trying to eat donuts dangling from a string with our hands behind our backs and having a pretend "snowball" fight throwing plastic balls at each other. We had loads of fun and I definitely sent the kids home after too much sugar (including my own). But in these moments of joy, hope bubbled to the surface and began to glimmer. I also found hope in deep conversations at coffee shops, around kitchen tables, and over home-cooked meals. I tried new things, got out of my comfort zone, and learned that hope follows closely when we let go of expectations or control and just be fully present to the moment we are in. 

It is hard to be present in the moment during Advent because everything is about looking ahead or counting down. Maybe we need a gentle reminder to slow down and pay attention, for hope is drawing near.  A dear friend recently introduced me to a beautiful music collective called The Porter's Gate. They have a song titled Centering Prayer which says:

"I want to be where my feet are
I want to breathe the life around me
I want to listen as my heart beats
Right on time…
I want to be where my feet are

I chase my worries
I flee my sorrows
But what you give me
Is now

So take my burdens
And my tomorrows:
I want to be where my feet are."

In our preparation for the arrival (Advent) of Christ, may we wait and be present to each moment. May we be where our feet are and pay attention as the light of the world breaks forth. 

Karl Rahner said "Every year we pray those beautiful prayers of longing and waiting and sing those lovely songs of hope and promise. Every year we roll up all our needs and yearnings and faithful expectation into one word: 'Come!'"

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Hannah

Lectionary Readings for December

  • Sunday, December 1 — First Sunday of Advent
    Jeremiah 33:14-16
    Psalm 25:1-10
    1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
    Luke 21:25-36

  • Sunday, December 8 — Second Sunday of Advent
    Malachi 3:1-4
    Luke 1:68-79
    Philemon 1:3-11
    Luke 3:1-6

  • Sunday, December 15 — Third Sunday of Advent
    Zephaniah 3:14-20
    Isaiah 12:2-6
    Philemon 4:4-7
    Luke 3:7-18

  • Sunday, December 22 — Fourth Sunday of Advent
    Micah 5:2-5a
    Luke 1:46b-55
    Hebrews 10:5-10
    Luke 1:39-45

  • Sunday, December 29 - First Sunday after Christmas Day
    1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26
    Psalm 148
    Colossians 3:12-17
    Luke 2:41-52

The Mission of St. Luke UMC is to be a Place to Belong, Believe, &  Become Disciples of Christ


United Women in Faith invite all women of St. Luke to a celebration of Christmas on Friday, December 13, from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Hannah will lead our program. Special music by Tricia Walker. Everyone is asked to bring their favorite finger food or Christmas treat to share. Childcare will be provided.

You are invited to join us at First UMC on Sunday, December 15, at 10:55 am for a joint Christmas Cantata performed by St. Luke and First UMC Choirs. There will be no service at St Luke that morning.


Life After Loss Invitation: Christmas is season of anticipation. There are parties and preparations, gatherings and greetings, reminders and remembering. For some, Christmas is not a festive time. The death of a spouse or family member, a divorce, a change in employment, a major illness or disability and other tragedies can smother the Christmas spirit. Loss survivors may feel drained or disinterested in things that once made life meaningful. Family and friends may notice these differences but feel unsure how to help.

Beginning December 6, 2024, and continuing Friday mornings at 12:00 through January 3, 2025, a series of one-hour discussions about recovering and coping with losses will be held at the Our Lady of Victories Parish Center at 215 Bishop Rd. Topics include:
12/06 – Picking up the pieces – Trying to make sense of what happened
12/13 – Am I O.K.? - What I thought should happen and what is happening
12/20 – Telling my story – Struggling to hold on and to move on
12/27 – A new day; a different world – Distressing emotions and stressful demands
1/03  – Where do I go from here? – Renewed direction and enthusiasm

Whether you are experiencing a personal loss or want to help someone you care about, I invite you to join us. The sessions are free and open to all. Each session lasts an hour from (12:00-1:00 p.m.) and is led by Larry L. Lambert, LPC, (Licensed Professional Counselor). If you need more information, contact Larry at 662-719-8756 or If you have friends and loved ones who may be struggling, please let them know or better yet, bring them with you.


Many thanks to everyone who helped in the “hanging of the greens.” Our sanctuary looks beautiful in its Christmas finery, and it was fun, wasn’t it? It will all have to come down and be packed up for next year on January 5, so please keep in mind that we will need your help then, too.

The White Christmas tree is loaded with paper ornaments. We are helping several foster children from our community, a few nursing home residents, and The Methodist Children’s Home. Please take as many ornaments as you can, purchase the gifts listed, wrap them in white (tissue paper is fine), and attach the ornament to each gift. If you prefer to make a monetary donation, just mark your check or cash "White Christmas"--such gifts will be very helpful in fulfilling the wish lists. You may place your gifts around the tree any time or bring them on the evening of December 15, when we will have a potluck at 5:00 pm with the White Christmas program (presented by the children & youth) afterwards.

Everyone is invited to go Christmas Caroling on Wednesday, December 18.  We’ll meet in the St. Luke parking lot at 5:00 p.m. and then caravan to Indywood, Azalea Commons, and the homes of a few of our St. Luke members.  We’d love to have you join us in making a joyful noise!

The months of November and December have been designated for the Methodist Children’s Home “This Little Light of Mine” special offering. 100% of the offering will fund programs helping children and families of MCH. Let’s help bring hope and a little light of love into the lives of those children who have been abused and neglected. Deadline to give is December 8.

Worship Greeters are needed for next year! A Greeter is a very important part of welcoming people to our worship service and helps by passing out bulletins, helping people in and out of cars (when needed), directing visitors to pews or various areas of the church, and helps in other capacities of the service. If you feel called to volunteer and would like to sign up, a signup sheet is available in the narthex or you may sign up by contacting Al Williams or the church office.

Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month we collect bags of apples, jars of peanut butter, and also canned goods for the Helping Hands Ministry. That day is also our Dollar Sunday, when you are invited to drop a dollar or two into the basket in the narthex to help support our Compassion Fund, which the pastor uses at their discretion to help those in need.

If you would like to help deliver our Second Sunday mission project food items to Helping Hands next year, please contact Lisa in the church office to sign up. Drop off times for Helping Hands are Wednesday or Friday mornings between 9:00 am and noon.

The 2025 Flower Calendar is available on the bulletin board in the hallway across from the choir room. If you would like to help provide an altar arrangement sometime during the year, please look over the calendar, choose a date or two, and sign up. Your arrangement doesn’t have to be fresh flowers, it could be a lovely silk arrangements, or even a nice plant. If you sign up for two consecutive Sundays, we have a “flower fridge” where we can store your floral arrangement during the week and re-use them the second Sunday. If ordering fresh flowers from a flower shop, please specify you would like them to last for two Sundays. Please contact Sandi Melton (Flower Steward) or the church office to sign up or for more info.

DSU Wesley Passion Conference Fundraiser

Passion Conference is an amazing experience that students from around the world are able to experience! This year at the Wesley, we have more and more students who are unable to attend due to the cost. It costs $300/student to attend. 

Our students have thought up a way to fundraise for themselves this year! For anyone willing, Wesley students will come for a Saturday from now until January 1st to work for 6 hours (9-3, 10-4, etc.) for $150/day. This will allow students to work to pay off their Passion expenses! 

If you are interested, Wesley students are able to:
-dog sit
-lawn care / landscaping
-house cleaning
-house organization
-house decluttering

If you don’t see something on this list that you’d like to have done, please ask! 


Contact: Cielee Hollon at (850) 816-8755 for more details on how to LET THE WESLEY WORK FOR YOU!

Opportunities to Help at Parks

Parks Elementary Partnership 

1) PBIS Closet- Parks keeps a closet filled with goodies for students who do well with their positive behavior system. This includes items such as fidget toys, slime, and other small prizes. When the children meet their goals, they are able to shop this closet as a treat and means of positive reinforcement. You may contribute to this cause or purchase items and bring them to the office. 

2) Feminine Hygiene supplies- Parks has an area in the office dedicated to storing feminine hygiene supplies for girls who need them. Specifically, they try to keep a current stock of pads (no tampons please) and girls underwear in all sizes. You may bring these items to the church office as well. 

3) Reading with students- Do you like to help students with their reading? If you had 1-2 hours a week to give during school hours, the students at Parks could use your help. Reading with students is a proven way to help raise their AR scores while also providing quality time with these children. If you are interested in this, please let Rev. Hannah know. 

Employment Opportunities

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is searching for employees to fill two positions and would welcome help from the congregation in spreading the word.

The first position is that of Nursery Caregiver to share the responsibility of supervising our children with Danita. This is a part-time position and is open to those 18 years old with at least a high school diploma or equivalent. A background check will be required and it is preferred that the person have previous work experience in a childcare setting and CPR/First Aid training. The pay is $17.50/hour.

The second position is that of Music Director. As you know, Beverly Jacks has served as interim Director for the past year or so. She does a lovely job and has been happy to serve our church with her gifts, but she would like a break if a suitable person can be found to lead the choir. Previous experience in a church setting is preferred but not required. Salary will be negotiable.

Please share this information with any suitable candidates you know who might be interested in working at St. Luke. Any further questions may be directed to Rev. Hannah or to Lisa in the church office.

The St. Luke Scene

Decorating the church for Christmas

Upcoming Events

December 1, Monday
— Kids/Youth White Christmas Rehearsal, 4:00 p.m. (Sanctuary)
— Kids Christmas Party, after rehearsal (Fellowship Hall)

December 6, Friday
— Life After Loss, 12-1:00 p.m. (Our Lady of Victories)

December 8, Sunday
— Second Sunday Mission Project for Helping Hands
— Kids/Youth Christmas Rehearsal, 4:00 p.m. (Sanctuary)
— Blue Christmas Service, 6:00 p.m.

December 9, Monday
— Coleman Class Party, 6:00 p.m. (The Tims)

December 10, Tuesday
— United Methodist Men, 6:00 p.m. (First UMC)

December 13, Friday
— Life After Loss, 12-1:00 p.m. (Our Lady of Victories)
— UW in Faith Christmas Party, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall)

December 15, Sunday
— Joint Cantata Service w/First UMC, 11:00 a.m. (First UMC)
(no morning worship service will be held at St Luke)
Kids/Youth Christmas Rehearsal, 4:00 p.m. (Sanctuary)
White Christmas Potluck, 5:00 p.m., w/program after

December 18, Wednesday
— Parks AR Party, 2:00 p.m. (Parks Elementary)
— Christmas Caroling, 5:00 p.m.

December 20, Friday
— Life After Loss, 12-1:00 p.m. (Our Lady of Victories)

December 21, Saturday
— Fellowship Hall Reserved by Jackie Pennington, all day

December 22, Sunday
— Fellowship Hall Reserved by Jackie Pennington, 2-4:00 p.m.

December 24, Tuesday
— Christmas Eve Service, 5:00 p.m.

December 25, Wednesday - January 1, Wednesday
— Church Office Closed to the Public

December 27, Friday
— Life After Loss, 12-1:00 p.m. (Our Lady of Victories)

January 3, Friday
— Life After Loss, 12-1:00 p.m. (Our Lady of Victories)

Memorials and Honorariums



Memorials for:

Honorarium for:

Attendance and Offering Report

Nov 3
Nov 10
Nov 17
Nov 24

Monthly Total

Monthly Budget

General Fund
$ 11,799
$ 2,462
$ 1,650
$ 1,131

$ 17,042

$ 20,854

$ 3,750
$ 616
$ 117
$ 156






Special Offerings:
Helping Hands
Rolling Fork Trailer
Methodist Children’s Home
UM Student Day

$ 100
$ 100
$ 25
$ 50

December Birthdays



Virginia Tardy
Billy Bassie
Leo Dean
Sally Rogers
Lindsey Mae Givens
Jim Tims
Marilyn Steele
Billy Boswell
Mariane Powell

December Anniversaries