Summer Day Camp Program
Summer Day Camp Program
Program Description
The Neighborhood Children's Program summer day camp has been in operation since 1998. It is an all-day program providing care for school-age children during the summer months.
The daily program includes a nutritious snack, time for quiet activities, music, stories, and games. Supervised outdoor activities, when weather permits, include both organized games and free play. Alternate indoor activities include aerobic exercise and active games suited to the indoors. Swimming at a local pool is offered twice weekly, and field trips which extend concepts or which help acquaint students with the community are provided when appropriate. If the activity involves extra cost, parents or guardians are responsible for payment prior to participation.
Application should be made by completing an application form and all forms in the Registration Packet. Acceptance generally will be on a first-come, first-served basis, but the NCP Board reserves the right to balance the population of the program as to age and gender. Children of members of St. Luke United Methodist Church will be given preference in enrollment.
To enter the Summer Program, children must be at least 5 years old and not older than 10 years by the start of the program. Parents of children not chosen for the program will have the option of having their application forms kept on file in the event of any vacancies which may occur.
Calendar and Hours of Operation
The Summer Day Camp will begin following the closing of public schools for the summer. Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Memorial Day and Independence Day will be observed as holidays.
What will my child need the first day?
Please send a water bottle with the child's name on it every day. Your child will also need a rest mat with his name. Please send a sack lunch, including a drink, every day. Regulations prevent us from using the oven and we will not be able to warm food in the microwave.
What should my child wear?
Clothes appropriate for outdoor play, including a pair of socks and sneakers to wear outside if your child usually wears flip-flops. Please send an extra set of clothes in case of an accident.
When will the children begin swimming?
We usually start swimming after the first week of camp. Bolivar County Council on Aging will provide bus transportation and we will go to the CRA pool on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., weather permitting. On swim days, please have your child in swimsuit, with sunscreen applied, upon arrival. Please send a bag with sunscreen, towel, and dry clothes to wear when we return.
May my child bring toys to the program?
If you would like to send your child with a book, MP3 player, iPod, Nintendo DS, etc., these may be used during the morning gathering time only. All items, including games for the game systems, must have the child's name written on them. We will not be responsible for loss or damage. The children will not have access to the internet.
What are Fun Fridays?
Most Fridays we will have a field trip or special activity. Fun Friday information, including any cost, will be posted on the board above the sign in/out sheet every Monday.
What if I have other questions?
You may call the Director, Kaci Farr, at 402-9019 between 3:30 and 5:30 on weekdays.
You may also call the church office, 843-2306, during office hours, or use our "Contact Us" form.
Please complete the application form and return it, with your application fee, to the church office, 1227 Deering Street, Cleveland 38732, at your earliest convenience. Applications without the accompanying fee will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted until the fee is received. Please fill out a separate application for each child you wish to enroll. Please direct any questions about applications, openings in the program, or waiting lists to the church secretary.