Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

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1227 Deering St
Cleveland, MS, 38732
United States

(662) 843-2306

Registration Packet

Registration Packet

Registration forms are to be filled out only after your child has applied and has been accepted.

You will receive a notification of acceptance by email, with directions for accessing and completing the registration forms. Please make sure that your current email address is on file in the church office.

Please print all forms and fill out completely. Bring all paperwork to the church office or mail to the church at 1227 Deering, Cleveland 38732. The application/registration process is not complete until all forms have been submitted.

Please fill out a separate set of registration forms for each child, as we must maintain a separate file folder for each child in the program.

For more information, please call the church office at 843-2306 or use our "Contact Us" form.