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Register for Arts Camp VBS 2021 (Copy)

Sign up for Arts Camp VBS 2021


Arts Camp Vacation Bible School - Saturday, June 19th

ONLINE REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED, but you may still bring your child to Arts Camp VBS on Saturday morning. Read the information below, so that you’ll bring your child to the correct location.

8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., breakfast and lunch provided.

For children going into 4K Preschool up to 7th Grade in the 2021-2022 school year.

Locations: Kids will be divided into four ages groups placed at the four church campuses of St. Luke United Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, and Calvary Episcopal Church.

The locations for age groups are as follows:

- Upcoming 4-K & Kindergarten at St. Luke United Methodist Church

- Upcoming 1st & 2nd Grade at First Presbyterian Church

- Upcoming 3rd & 4th Grades at First United Methodist Church

- Upcoming 5th, 6th, & 7th Grades at Calvary Episcopal Church

Arts Camp VBS is an innovative ministry in which children act and perform in a biblical story. They play theatre games, learn hymns, and help produce the set, costumes, and props of the performance. By embodying God’s story, children discover and celebrate their place in the ongoing work of God. Usually, the performance would be staged for parents to view, but this year, we are filming the performances and editing them together for a final film, which will be distributed to our churches for viewing. The film will also be available online, so you can watch the performance alongside your children and share it with friends and family.


You’ll need to fill out ONE form for EACH child you register. (Sorry for any inconvenience.)