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1227 Deering St
Cleveland, MS, 38732
United States

(662) 843-2306

Firetruck (2).JPG

About Us

Neighborhood Children's Program

The purpose of St. Luke Neighborhood Children's Program (NCP) is to provide care for children in a safe and secure environment. It is an expression of the Church's response to Christ when He said, "Let the children come to me."  In a caring Christian atmosphere, the children are encouraged to respect their own and others' rights, to share, and to handle responsibility.

During the summer, NCP is an all-day program for children ages 5-10. Activities include supervised trips to a local pool, learning Bible stories, music activities, lunchtime, and nap/quiet time. “Fun Fridays” are very popular among the children with field trips and other special activities.

Taking our philosophy from Luke 2:52, "And Jesus increased in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God and man...," we want to help children grow in self-confidence, discover the ability to work and play cooperatively and develop a love and appreciation for each other and the world around them. 

For more information, contact the church office at St. Luke or use our “Contact Us” form.


Kaci Farr  |  Director

Mary Jayson Rogers  |  Director Designee

Katelyn Jones |   Caregiver

Cora Townsend  |  Caregiver

Pam Field   |  Substitute Caregiver

Lisa Horton  |  Office Manager

Board of Directors

Sheryl Stump  |  President

Claire Rogers   |  Vice-President

Frances Tims   |  Secretary

Sandi Melton   |  Treasurer

Chris Bailey  |  Member

Rev. Jonathan Speegle   |  Member

Sue Givens   |  Member

Bettye Johnston   |  Member

Elaine Lambert   |  Member

Sally Rogers   |  Member