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1227 Deering St
Cleveland, MS, 38732
United States

(662) 843-2306


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Bluegrass Mass & Parish Picnic (Dockery Farms)

  • St. Luke United Methodist Church 1227 Deering St Cleveland, MS, 38732 United States (map)

We won’t be worshipping inside at St. Luke that Sunday, so we hope everyone will come out to Dockery Farms to worship outdoors. Bring a blanket, a chair, and a good dish to share! Bring your own beverage as well.

This will be a fun event, open to the whole community, with lots of room for kids to run around and play. In the event of rain, we will still worship and eat together, at Calvary’s building.

Some classic hymns that will be featured in bluegrass style: When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, Down to the River to Pray, Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, Standing on the Promises, Church in the Wildwood, Old Time Religion.