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1227 Deering St
Cleveland, MS, 38732
United States

(662) 843-2306


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"Have Yourself a Delta Little Christmas" Concert (Grammy Museum)

GRAMMY Museum® Mississippi invites you to an evening of festive and inspirational holiday music, featuring Delta artists Steve Azar, Tricia Walker, The Buford Sisters, Variety, and the B.B. King All Stars. Dove-award winning artist Buddy Greene, co-writer of the Christmas classic, “Mary, Did You Know?,” will perform as our special guest along with multi-instrumentalist Jeff Taylor. Tickets for both Members and Non-Members are $50 and include a pre-event reception with holiday hors d'oeuvres beginning at 6 p.m. To order tickets, call the museum at (662) 441-0100 or visit or connect with Tricia Walker.

Earlier Event: November 29
Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving
Later Event: December 4
Choir Rehearsal