April 2020
St. Luke United Methodist Church
What a difference a month makes. We are living in a strange, alternative reality for which we have not prepared. And yet, if I take a step back, I can notice so many good things happening.
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What a difference a month makes. We are living in a strange, alternative reality for which we have not prepared. And yet, if I take a step back, I can notice so many good things happening.
Read MoreHow can you prepare yourself to serve others? What kind of disposition do you need to cultivate? What kind of skills do you need to learn?
Read MoreHow can you prepare yourself to serve others? What kind of disposition do you need to cultivate? What kind of skills do you need to learn?
Read MoreIf Jesus sat down to read his Bible, what books would he turn to most often?
The answer is the prophet Isaiah and the Psalms. These are the books that Jesus most often quotes in his life and ministry. If Jesus had a highlighter, the prophetic callings of Isaiah and the prayerful yearnings of David would be brightly marked for emphasis. ..